Know the Code. Ski and snowboard safely at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood in Oregon. Thank you for following our rules and regulations!
Ski Patrol (503) 272-3305
The Pacific Northwest’s deep maritime snowpack can create an unexpected danger of being trapped in the unseen void next to large trees. When skiing or riding off groomed trails in these conditions, always have a partner and keep each other in sight. The NSAA has also put together a great article on this topic –please follow the link.
Timberline and Summit Ski Areas’ Uphill Travel Policy allows for uphill travel on designated routes. All users, regardless of travel method, direction, and/or purpose are required to abide by the Oregon Skier Statute (ORS 30.970 to 30.990), NSAA Responsibility Code(s), and the relevant rules of use. In addition, all users travelling uphill are required to travel on designated routes and abide by the following principles:
1.YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS. All users must recognize that alpine sports are inherently risky and accept all risks and responsibilities.
2. RESPECT THE SKI AREAS. The staffs at Timberline and Summit work hard to provide safe, high quality experiences and they ask that you respect the ski areas, as well as the natural environment.
3. STAY ON CLIMBER’S RIGHT SIDE OF ALL TRAILS. Stay to the right side of all trails/routes and be aware that you may encounter other skiers/riders, on-hill vehicles, and other equipment at any time. Do not travel on groomed/maintained surfaces.
4. USE CAUTION NEAR ON-HILL VEHICLES. Significant hazards may exist near on-hill vehicles and other equipment. Do not travel underneath, behind, or in close proximity to any equipment in operation.
Lower Mountain Trails (below Timberline Lodge)
Upper Mountain Trails (above Timberline Lodge)
6. DOWNHILL TRAVEL IS PERMITTED ONLY ON DESIGNATED TRAILS/ROUTES. With the exception of those trails/routes listed above, recreational use of ski area terrain (including groomed/maintained surfaces, terrain park features, and bike park trails) is not allowed inside the Timberline and Summit ski area boundaries without a valid lift ticket.
Timberline will no longer offer Climber Tickets, or “one ride” tickets, to the top of Palmer. The main reason for this policy change is Timberline does not promote activities that involve leaving the ski area boundary.
Climbing Mt. Hood is a serious endeavor that takes knowledge and preparation. For guests looking for information on climbing Mt. Hood please check U.S. Forest Service resources:
For guided climbing information:
(541) 312-9242
Climbers must register their group and obtain a wilderness permit from the Climber Registration outside of the Wy’East Day Lodge, then proceed to the Climber’s Trailhead adjacent to the Salmon River Parking Lot and avoid resort operations.
Your Responsibility Code
1. Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid people or objects.
2. People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them.
3. Stop only where you are visible from above and do not restrict traffic.
4. Look uphill and avoid others before starting downhill or entering a trail.
5. You must prevent runaway equipment.
6. Read and obey all signs, warnings, and hazard markings..
7. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
8. You must know how and be able to load, ride, and unload lifts safely. If you need assistance, ask the lift attendant.
9. Do not use lifts or terrain when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
10. If you are involved in a collision or incident, share your contact information with each other and a ski area employee.
If you need help understanding the Code, please ask an employee.
Officially Endorsed by National Ski Areas Association
Skiing and snowboarding can be enjoyed in many ways. You may see people using alpine, snowboard, telemark, cross country and other specialized ski equipment, such as that used by disabled or other skiers. Regardless of how you decide to enjoy the slopes, always show courtesy to others and be aware that there are elements of risk in skiing that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce.
Freestyle Terrain Parks come with their own unique risks. For more information please follow the link.
There is an inherent risk in skiing and snowboarding. Timberline views skiing and snowboarding in a controlled and responsible manner as the primary safety consideration for all riders. Wearing a helmet is a personal choice, but it’s one we STRONGLY ADVISE, especially for children. Keep in mind that it is important that helmets be properly fitted and do not inhibit vision or hearing. For more information on helmet use for children, please follow the link.
Trail difficulty designations are relative only to Timberline Lodge Ski Area and may not correspond to what you find at other skis areas. When new to an area, we encourage you start out on terrain a notch below your ability level at other resorts.
Closure and Boundary signs are placed for specific purposes and impose specific responsibilities for skiers and riders.
For safety, Timberline Lodge Ski Area recommends staying on designated, groomed trails. Those who choose to venture into more challenging terrain should be aware of their greater responsibility for protecting their own safety and the risks they pose to others.
Timberline does not recommend out-of-bounds skiing or snowboarding. If you choose to leave the ski area boundary, you assume the risks of backcountry travel.
You must be prepared with the knowledge and proper equipment to navigate unmarked hazards, extreme avalanche danger, blow holes, rocks, cliffs, crevasses, tree wells, low visibility, limited access, limited return and all other hazards.
Be aware that all canyons lead away from the ski area, return may not be possible.
Once you are outside the ski area boundary you are responsible for your own safety, transportation and evacuation. Help, if possible may be hours or days away. You or your heirs will be responsible for the cost of your rescue.
Accepting the risk of skiing or snowboarding beyond the boundary should only be considered with the following:
a) proper avalanche education
b) proper avalanche equipment & training (probe, shovel & beacon)
c) being with a knowledgeable group or “buddy”
d) backcountry travel knowledge and experience
e) knowledge of local conditions including snow pack history
Ski and Snowboard tracks may lead beyond Timberline’s boundary to where there is NO avalanche control, NO trail signs, CONFUSING route directions and DANGEROUS terrain traps. Rescue, if possible, will be slow and may be costly to you. Remember that hiking, skiing or snowshoeing into closed areas is prohibited.
Timberline does not allow snow kiteboarding or snow kite skiing anywhere inside the ski area boundary. Passengers are not permitted to board any Timberline chairlift with a kite and/or related equipment. Accessing the USFS Wilderness Area with snow kite equipment through the Timberline permit area is not permitted.
The Mt. Hood Ski Patrol is composed of nearly 300 volunteers, all dedicated to providing quality rescue and emergency care to participants in seasonal activities on Mt. Hood. The Mt. Hood Ski Patrol works alongside Timberline’s full-time Professional Ski Patrol to service all of our guests on weekends and holidays.
For more information on the Mt. Hood Ski Patrol, and to donate vital funds that keep the Patrol running, please to visit their site.
Violation of any of these duties entitles the ski area operator to withdraw the violator’s privilege of skiing. The following are excerpts from the statute. References to “Skiers” & “Skiing” include skiing, snowboarding and other winter activities.
• Skiers accept and assume the inherent risks of skiing (in so far as they are reasonably obvious, expected or necessary).
• Skiers who ski in any area not designated for skiing within the permit area assume the inherent risks thereof.
• Skiers shall be the sole judges of the limits of their skills and their ability to meet and overcome the inherent risks of skiing and shall maintain reasonable control of speed and course.
• Skiers shall abide by the directions and instructions of the ski area operator.
• Skiers shall familiarize themselves with posted information on location and degree of difficulty of trails and slopes to the extent reasonably possible before skiing any slope or trail.
• Skiers shall not cross the uphill track of any surface lift except at points clearly designated by the ski area operator.
• Skiers shall not overtake any other skier except in such a manner as to avoid contact and shall grant the right of way to the overtaken skier.
• Skiers shall yield to other skiers when entering a trail or starting downhill.
• Skiers must wear retention straps of other devices to prevent runaway skis.
• Skier shall not board rope tows, wire rope tows, j-bars, t-bars, ski lifts or other similar devices unless they have sufficient ability to use the devices, and skiers shall follow any written of verbal instructions that are given regarding the devices.
• Skiers, when involved in a skiing accident, shall not depart from the ski area without leaving their names and addresses if reasonably possible
• A skier who is injured should, if reasonably possible, give notice of the injury to the ski area operator before leaving the ski area.
• Skiers shall not embark or disembark from a ski lift except at designated areas or by the authority of the ski area operator
Timberline Ski Area is located on the Mt. Hood National Forest. It is operated by RLK and Company under a Special Use Permit as a lift-accessed, downhill recreation area. We ask that you observe all policies and postings. Users of the groomed and maintained areas within the Timberline Ski Area are required to display a valid lift ticket or pass, and must abide by the Oregon Skier’s Responsibility Code and Timberline’s Rules of Use:
1. With the exception of summer trail hiking, human-powered use of the ski area (uphill or downhill) for the purpose of recreation is not allowed inside the Ski Area Boundary without a valid lift ticket.
2. Uphill climbers and Nordic skiers must avoid groomed runs unless designated for their use. Snowshoe use is only permitted on the designated snowshoe trail.
3. Due to potential hazards and high risk, snow sliding with sleds, toboggans, saucers, tubes, and the like, is not permitted within the Ski Area Boundary.
4. Bicyclists are not permitted in the Timberline permit area unless they are ticketed Timberline Bike Park users or are accessing the Timberline to Town Trail.
All facilities at Timberline Lodge and Ski and Area, including parking lots, are 100% located on the Mt. Hood National Forest. The use, transport and possession of marijuana is illegal on national forest and other federal lands.
Alcohol consumption is not permitted while actively skiing or snowboarding within the Timberline permit area including while riding lifts or in lift lines. Use of a lift or any ski trail when under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not permitted.
Out of safety concerns for guests, employees, and resort property, as well as concerns for individual privacy, Timberline Lodge prohibits the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, by the general public – including recreational users and hobbyists. This prohibition includes drones used for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above or within Timberline boundaries. This prohibition on drone operations or use extends to any drones launched or operated from Resort property, as well as drones launched from private property outside of the Resort boundaries. Any violation of this policy may involve suspension of your skiing or snowboarding privileges, or the revocation of your season pass, as well as confiscation of any drone equipment, and may subject violators to any damages, including, but not limited to, damages for violations of privacy and/or physical or personal injuries or property damage, as well as regulatory fines and legal fees.